Charles Ross Prints

I offer prints from any images in the portfolios. All prints are produced for a specific order and each print is carefully made and matted. Printing is done on an Epson 3800 professional printer using archival K3 pigment ink. The image is printed on archival surfaces. Digitally painted images are usually printed on museum quality canvas medium and digital photographs are printed on archival medium. All matting and backing is of museum quality and is acid free.

All prints are produced on either 11 x 14 or 13 x 19 inch medium and sized according to the aspect ratio of the image. Matting for an 11 x 14 inch image is 16 x 20 inches and matting for the 13 x 19 image measures 22 x 28 inches.

Prices include matting, backing, a protective slip case, shipping & insurance

16 x 20 matted image measuring 11 x 14: $275.00
22 x 28 matted image measuring 13 x 19: $325.00

Special orders on request contact:

Charlie Ross
35478 Occohannock Dr.
Belle Haven, VA 23306